bballc joined Capra for S6 and took a team that had played .198 in S5 to two straight better-than-.500 seasons. The Jacksonville Juggernauts just won 84 games and are a franchise on the upswing under his management. Elsewhere, in the OCD World, bballc's Richmond Rockets have won 4 of the first 7 World Series titles(eat your heart out Woodchippers)!
1) What is the story of your username and how did you get hooked up with Whatifsports?
bballc started off being a sign on for my son. He was a basketball player. I couldn't talk him into trying WIS so I kept the sign-on for myself. I heard about WIS on a local radio station. Homer 1360, now Homer 1530 from Lance McCalister.
2) Offer a paragraph bio of yourself, possibly including things like work, family life, geography, other hobbies, quirky traits, bad habits, etc.
I'm an old guy. I'm 50. I love sports. I have enjoyed watching my kids play sports. My youngest (bballc) recently got a scholarship to play college football. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and I'm a huge Bengals fan. I've been playing WIS for around 3 years. I've had hoops teams, Grid Iron teams and HBD teams. I've had the most success with HBD.
3) A sports-themed bio paragraph. Favorite team? Players? Did you play as a kid? Now? What and when? Best sports moment? Most heartbreaking moment? etc.
Like I said before, I'm a huge Bengals fan. Being a Bengals fan thru the 90s and early 2000s was tough. I used to be a huge Reds fan too. I've kind of soured on them lately. As a kid I played baseball. I used to love baseball more then any other sport. Opening Day used to be my favorite day of the year. In High School I ran track, swam, and briefly wrestled. I also played intermural basketball. After I high school I was a softball junkie. I used to play 3 nights a week with tournaments and a co-ed league on the weekends. I've coached girls youth soccer and girls youth softball. I've also coached boys youth basketball, baseball and soccer. I've traveled all over watching boys AAU basketball. My son's team played in 4 or 5 national tournaments. My most heart breaking moment was when I had to quit playing softball due to injuries. I've had so many great sports moments in my life. I've watched, coached and played a lot of sports. It's all been a joy.
4) What about your franchise is most exciting going into Season 8? What is your team's biggest challenge? Anything else about your squad?
I enjoy a challenge. That is why I took this team after a 32 win season. My 1st season my team went 81-81. I upped my win total to 84 last season. I think with a little more pitching and a little luck I might crack the 90 win barrier next season.My other franchise has been to 5 world series, and won 4 in 7 seasons.
5)What piece of strategy or advice can you offer about HBD? Yes, I'm asking for one of your secrets, but many of us will be sharing as well.
Putting together teams and recognizing talent.